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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Why Spend Soo Much???

So I like designer brands just like most people do but they are very expensive. Because of their price I cannot afford for everyone of my clothes to be Gucci, Prada,or D&G. So I have a few that are designer and some that are not. For the stuff that are not stores like H&M and Forever21 are helpful. However there are tons of people I know that will go out of their way to buy designer stuff just so they can fit in or feel better about themselves. I think that is just plain STUPID! And what is even dumber is that half the time the things that they buy is not even that cute or worth the money. The only reason that they want it is for the name on the tag. Even though I love designer brands, I don't buy it because it is designer. I buy it because it is cute.
Like the shirt above is okay but its not so cute that I would buy it for 77.00 dollars. The shirt isn't even worth that much. This shirt is actually not worth more than 1 dollar. So that means that Wildfox is getting a 76 dollar profit for a shirt I would only wear to sleep! Even if I had a million dollars to spend on clothes I still wouldn't buy this for 77 dollars. Do you know how much I could buy with 77 dollars???Three word shoes from Aldo!!!! So my point today is that you can look fashionable and trendy without breaking your bank. Just look at the 2 sets below.

These two set look very similar. Both of the use color block and spring colors. The color scheme is the same and so is the jewelry. The only difference is that 1 is more expensive than the other. Which one do you guys think is more expensive?

<3 Fashion On The Move<3 

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